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- It's Clean Out Your Computer Day! | | Coaching Introductory Pricing | New Website

- It's Clean Out Your Computer Day! | | Coaching Introductory Pricing | New Website

Friday, 8 March 2024‍

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Today is - Clean Out Your Computer Day

Dear ,


Since today is national "Clean Out Your Computer Day" I'm hoping you enjoy a few ideas to clean up and organize the digital content in your computer. 

Please know that  I am a PC user and Microsoft Office Specialist, so certain items are written for PC users but there are some that apply to those using a Mac.

Backups:  Ensure files are backed up. Even if you think your backup program is running fine, double-check it just to be sure. If you don’t have a backup program in place, consider using Backblaze.

Storing your files in the cloud, such as Dropbox, Google, Box, etc. is not considered a “backup”—it’s considered file storage where you can share files with others. You need to ensure you have a backup of your files.

Computer Desktop:  Is your desktop cluttered with shortcuts to files or programs you can access another way? If so, spend some time to remove those you no longer need and file documents in your file storage area, giving your computer desktop a clean slate.

E-mail (Outlook Users)
Clean up old e-mails:  In Outlook, go to FileTools | Mailbox Cleanup
In the Mailbox Cleanup dialog box, you can:

  • Find items older than a certain number of days—so you can clean them out or take action on them
  • Find items larger than a certain number of kilobytes—again so you can clean them out or take action. Note:  I would set the default of 250 kilobytes much higher, say 2000 kilobytes
  • Empty your Deleted Items folder
  • Delete alternate versions of items in your mailbox

Downloaded Files:  Find your Downloads folder on your computer and clean out all files you’ve downloaded and no longer need. Move items you want to save to your file storage area.

Digital Files:  Review your digital files for duplicates and the files you never use and delete them to free up space. If you don't already have an organize digital file structure or if you don't have one, start. If you need help, let me know.

Digital Photos:  Just like your digital files, your digital photos can always use some clean up and organization. This will take some time given how many pictures we take. I like to go through my iPhone on a regular basis and delete the photos I will never need and then upload the rest to where I store them for organization and to rename them to I can find exactly what I am looking for.

PC Users - Windows Clean Up
Right-Click on the C Drive | Select Properties | Click on the Disk Cleanup Button | Review the Files to Delete list and determine what you can delete.

I hope this helps you eliminate some "computer" chaos - while our computer never look disorganized from the outside, they can be pretty scary once you start to really take a look at the ongoing maintenance that should take place.

If you need help getting the contents of your computer organized, cleaned up and backed up, e-mail me and we can talk about ways we can work together remotely to do this.  This is not something new I've been doing since COVID, Robert and I have done this work for over fifteen years remotely.  

With Warm Regards, 

 Coaching Introductory Pricing


This year, I am adding Coaching Services to our list of services.  In May, I will graduate from the Coach Approach Foundation Training Program.

In the past year, I have studied:

  • Strengths-Based Coaching
  • Brain-Based Coaching
  • Life & ADHD Coaching
  • Whole Life Coaching


I will eventually go on to specialize in Productivity Coaching - yes, there is such a thing!


So what is Coaching?
First of all, it is not consulting or "hands-on" organizing as I've done for 20+ years.  


Coaching is an ongoing conversation that uses specific communication skills in an Awareness - Action - Learning process.  

Coaching sessions are structured to help a person create better goals, discover new awareness's and design smart actions.


AND - it provides great accountabitliy - which creates change.


Coaching is the bundling of specific, effective communication skills and a creative resourceful partnership.


Coaching is NOT:  advising, telling, training, showing, organizing, counseling or consulting.


How does it work?
Coaching is done 50 minute sessions over the phone, not video.

You come prepared with an overall goal for a series of sessions and a topic for each session that we discuss.

At the end of the session, you will likely have some new awareness's that you will work on in between the sessions as we work to reach your goal for coaching.

Introductory Pricing
Coaching is not a "one and done" it takes a series of calls spaced out over time.


My normal hourly rate for consulting is $160 - $200/hour, however I am deeply discounting my time for coaching because I need to earn enough coaching hours for an advanced certification - so here's the deal:


For a limited time, I am offering 3 pre-paid coaching packages that must be completed by 8.31.21 or the remaining sessions are forfeited.


Package 1:  (3) 50-minute sessions  $285 


Package 2:  (5) 50-minute sessions  $425 


Package 3:  (8) 50-minute sessions  $600 


Prior to starting your first session, there is some advance work that must be completed on your part in order for this coaching relationship succesful and for you to get what you want from it.


If you are interested in the coaching introductory pricing, e-mail me at:  [email protected]


This pricing will be available until March 19, 2021 - however you will have nearly 6 months to complete your sessions.


P.S.  Our hands-on organizing services are not being "eliminated"...

I am adding this as a new service with me only.

Our team members are not credentialed in coaching and won't be offering this service.


 ~ Laura Leist

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Prepared for: | Newsletter 71 | March 2024
‍© 2024 Eliminate Chaos LLC. 
You may reprint this article in its entirety with the following credit:
© 2024 Eliminate Chaos - Reprinted with permission from Laura Leist of Eliminate Chaos.