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Pantry Organization for the Holidays | Holiday Decorating | Putting Product Into Place

Pantry Organization for the Holidays | Holiday Decorating | Putting Product Into Place

Saturday, 9 March 2024‍

Step 9 of The 10-Step Process


In this video newsletter I share Step 9 of my book Eliminate Chaos:  The 10-Step Process to Organize Your Home & Life.

After all the fun of shopping in step eight it is now time to put those new items to use. 

I've added a bonus video this month to show you how I've organized my own pantry and used product from IKEA.  It's the second video below. 

From my house to yours, I'm wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude during a year that has been filled with many challenges and enormous loss.  I have personally experinced a lot of loss this year and I still find that I have so much to be grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving,

‍Pantry Organization for the Holidays

Do you ever wonder if I am actually organized?

Here is a sneak peak into our pantry so you can answer that question.

Maybe you'll take away a few tips at the same time.

Holiday Decorating - Grab Your Spot NOW




Want to cross decorating off your list of things to do this holiday season so you have more time for the things you enjoy?

Our calendars are filling quickly, so call us soon if you would like a date.

We can also take down your decor after the holidays, purchased additional storage if needed, and organize it all for next year.

Areas of Service:  Greater Seattle area only.

Note:  We typically work with your decor, however a Specialist can also do some planning in advance with you and some shopping.  Often we can pick up fresh garland and decorate it with lights. 

It is not too soon to book your spot on our calendars to get your home ready for the holidays!  E-mail me: [email protected] or call our office at 425.670.2551 to schedule your time with us.

‍Meet Courtney Youell

Organizing Specialist™


Courtney joined Eliminate Chaos at the beginning of the year as an Organizing Specialist, but due to COVID, we could never get her professional photo taken for our website.  Now that we have her lovely photo, I wanted introduce her.


Courtney has the ability to work well with many different types of people and personalities and can adapt to make a space that works for their needs. Courtney believes in always encouraging people when they are in doubt or feel overwhelmed by a situation.


When Courtney is not working with clients, she has been using her talents to transform our YouTube channel and has been working with me to ensure we get our montly newsletter to you. 


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‍© 2024 Eliminate Chaos LLC. 
You may reprint this article in its entirety with the following credit:
© 2024 Eliminate Chaos - Reprinted with permission from Laura Leist of Eliminate Chaos.